Facilitator - Participant Communication

Submission of portfolio assignment

Submission of portfolio assignment

by Samuel Nyaga -
Number of replies: 4

Dear participants,

We are coming close to the end of unit 6 (PBL) facilitation. We have noted that a number of you have not submitted the portfolio assignments for this unit. Please ensure that you upload your portfolio by the end of tomorrow Sunday the 6th of March, 2016. This will facilitate quick grading for this unit and smooth transition to the next unit.

In case you have not posted your contribution to the discussion forum, please make sure that you do so by the close of business tomorrow.You need also to ensure you interact with the content for this unit.

Kindly remember your contribution to the forum, interaction with unit content, participation in the chat and completing your portfolio assignment all contribute to your grade in any unit of this course.

Wish you well as your finalize on unit 6.

Facilitation team