Facilitator - Participant Communication

Conclusion of unit 6

Conclusion of unit 6

by Samuel Nyaga -
Number of replies: 4

Dear participants,

We are now coming close to the conclusion of unit 6 (PBL). I wish to remind everyone that you need to interact with content, post on the discussion forum, participate in the chat and submit you portfolio assignment for you to get maximum marks in this unit. Some of you have already met most of these requirements while others have remained with bits here and there. Please make sure you deal with all the four items by the end Sunday 6/3/2016 since Monday shall be a new unit.

I wish you well as soldier on.

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Conclusion of unit 6

by felix Omalalu -

Working on it @ Samuel, thanks for the encouragement all through. This course has the best facilitators that can be. 

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Conclusion of unit 6

by Kisach Mary -

@samwel...noted.....working extra hard to beat the deadline.Thank you.