Facilitator - Participant Communication

Chat time

Chat time

by Samuel Nyaga -
Number of replies: 5

Dear participants,

I would wish to thank you most sincerely for your active participation in unit 6 (PBL) so far. For those facing various challenges please soldier on and i am sure you will make it and end up being stronger.

Kindly be reminded that our chat will take place tomorrow Wednesday 2/3/2016 from 4 to 5pm Kenyan time. Please be punctual and active. Remember the ground rules: Log in early enough, respect everyone's contribution, keep it brief and clear, follow instructions from the moderator and ensure that you make your contribution during the chat time.

Please note that unit 6 has only one chat session and there are marks awarded based on your participation in the chat. I take this opportunity to wish you well as you give your best in this unit.


In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Chat time

by Onesmus Mutisya -

@Samuel,thanks so very much and we appreciate your warm welcome. blessed day. 

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Chat time

by Peter Mwangoma -

@Sam, hi. Got the communication,you kept it short and simple! Point reached home.