Facilitator - Participant Communication

Review of the unit 6 chat summary

Review of the unit 6 chat summary

by Samuel Nyaga -
Number of replies: 1

Dear participants,

As earlier indicated by Joel, the chat summary is now available at the facilitators-participants communication area. I once again take this opportunity to thank Joel for excellently summarizing and uploading the chat for unit 6. I also acknowledge Aden for his exceptional skills and dedication in the moderation of PBL chat.  I challenge other participants to volunteer as early as now to moderate and summarize our chat next week.

It is now my request that we go through the summary and give our replies on the same section.  A few have done so already. The chat summary is a word document that is downloadable and someone can go through it offline.

Wishing you the best as we come close to the conclusion of this unit.
