Facilitator - Participant Communication

Unit 6 Concluding remarks

Unit 6 Concluding remarks

by Samuel Nyaga -
Number of replies: 2

Dear participants,

We come to the end of the facilitation of unit 6, PBL. I wish to take this opportunity to thank you most sincerely for your active participation throughout this unit. It is my hope that you will continue with the same spirit in theme D.

The marking and grading of the activities of unit 6 start tomorrow Monday 7th March 2016. This will enable us to post your results in the course of the week. In this regard, you are advised  to ensure that you submit your portfolio assignment, interact with all the content and do your post on the forum by mid night today if you have not done so yet.

I wish you the best in Theme D where we shall be dealing with ICT. The facilitation team will be introducing the theme and the first unit shortly.

Facilitation team


In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Unit 6 Concluding remarks

by Onesmus Mutisya -

thanks @samuel for compliment and encouragement. shall do the best ican


In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Unit 6 Concluding remarks

by Ruth Mutua -

Thanks for considering the extension for those who had not been through