Facilitator - Participant Communication

Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Judy Muriuki -
Number of replies: 26

I take this opportunity to welcome you all to Unit 4, hoping that you are through with Unit 3 activities. The theme for Unit 4 is Pedagogy and in Unit 4, we’ll be looking at ‘ICT Tools for Didactive Teaching and Learning’. I trust that things are getting easier and more interesting as we go along. I’d like to commend you all yet again for your commitment, hard work, zeal to succeed in the course and support for each other. Just a reminder for those who are yet to submit the Portfolio assignments for Units 2 and 3. We’d like to finalize with the marking to also avoid a backlog on our side. Later in the day, I will post the names of those who haven’t submitted Unit 3 assignments. I urge you all to take these assignments seriously since they will have a big impact on your final grade and certification. Always ensure you go through the ‘Evaluation Criteria for the Portfolio Assignments’ before you attempt the assignment. Ensure that you also internalize the Unit competencies and objectives.

The activities for this week are as follows:

  • Chat (Is my teaching didactive?)- Wednesday 17th at 4-5pm
  • Discussion Forum (The Right Methodology Forum)
  • Portfolio Assignment
  • Self-Evaluation Quiz
  • Unit 4 Feedback

(Don’t forget to listen to the Facilitators’ Audio Summary)

Note that for tomorrow’s chat we require a moderator and a summarizer. Please let’s have others volunteering for these. Remember these are additional skills you are acquiring. Note also that for the discussion forum, you are not only expected to do your own posting, but also to respond to at least two (2) of your colleagues’ posts.

Remember if you have any issues concerning content, you can consult any of the facilitators. For the technical issues, please sms or WhatsApp Ivy on her personal line (0722966237).


Wishing you all a great time with Unit 4!

Judy, Grace & Anthony

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Abraham Wekesa -
Thanks Madam for that invite to unit 4.Hope to clear with this knut's final campaigns and elections.
In reply to Abraham Wekesa

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Judy Muriuki -

Thanks Abraham. Please try as much as possible to ensure you are up to date with all the activities, beside all else that you are doing outside the Course. Wishing you all the best in everything!

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Raymond Maro -

you guys are doing a tremedious job GOD bless you

In reply to Raymond Maro

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Judy Muriuki -

Thanks Raymond. You are also doing quite well. Just ensure you are up to date with all the activities. Wishing you all the best in today's Chat moderation.

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Joel Kahindi -

what an elaborate guide! thanks madam judy

In reply to Joel Kahindi

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Judy Muriuki -

Thanks Joel. Keep up the good work too!

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Kisach Mary -

@our able facilitators Well stated.....I have noted down....Thanks  for the good work.

In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Judy Muriuki -

Thanks Mary. Keep up the good work too!

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Abdiwahab Mohammed -
@judy, thanks for the guide.
In reply to Abdiwahab Mohammed

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Judy Muriuki -

Thanks Abdiwahab. Keep up the good work too!

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Peter Mwangoma -

To our able facilitators, you are really up to the task, congrats madam Judy for such an elaborate guide. It's really a pleasure  to have had you guys to take us through this course,thanks!!!


In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)


bravo our facilitators. you are doing a great job.


Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Judy Muriuki -

Thanks Abdallah. Keep up the good work too!

In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Judy Muriuki -

Thanks Peter. It's exciting facilitating in this Course and I must admit that this is the best group so far! Keep up the good work too!

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Mohamednur Kassim -

Thank you madam Judy for your wonderful welcoming message. its really inspiring and encourage. Be blessed 

Personally i will try my best to catch up.

In reply to Mohamednur Kassim

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Judy Muriuki -

Thanks Kassim. Keep up the good work and ensure you are up to date with all the activities.

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Paul Katila -

Thanks madam, we r now in.


In reply to Paul Katila

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Judy Muriuki -

Thanks Paul. Keep up the good work and ensure you are up to date with all the activities.

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Stanley Mutisya -

@ Facilitators

Thanks for the update Madam Judy, Grace and Anthony. in-fact things are now easier and better. 

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Stanley Mutisya -

@ Facilitators

Thanks for the update Madam Judy, Grace and Sir Anthony. in-fact things are now easier and better. 

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Julius Ngeno -

Thanks madam Judy and other facilitators for your warm welcome.Looking forward to an ICT week.

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

Thank you good teachers for setting the pace. I hope all of us are ready so that we can move together

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Onesmus Mutisya -

@Judy, you've always been of great help. To this group. Thanks for introduction to unit 4. Look forward to completing in time.

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Onesmus Mutisya -

@the rest of the facilitators, welcome all.

In reply to Judy Muriuki

Re: Welcome to Unit 4 (15th – 21st February 2016)

by Paul Kibet -

thank you facilitators for your unwavering support. be blessed all.