Summarising Discussions

Summary on online presence

Summary on online presence

by Rodgers Namwaya -
Number of replies: 1

Tips on online presence discussion can be summarised as:

  • Be present regularly, monitoring absent learners.
  • Provide assignment and their timelines, to encourage participation.
  • Set schedules on the different activities, when chats will be on and time limits of forums.
  • There should be early agreement on the schedules, when to meet and the agendas.
  • Provision of group contacts for proper communication, eg group emails and contacts.
  • Give reminders for important dates and functions or events.
  • Record messages on progress or performance and give regular updates.
In reply to Rodgers Namwaya

Re: Summary on online presence

by Lucy Wanja -

Rodgers, brief and to the point! Your summary is clear.