Summarising Discussions

Online Presence Discussion Summary

Online Presence Discussion Summary

by Jason Ichai -
Number of replies: 5

Facilitator's Presence Strategy Attachment

In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Online Presence Discussion Summary

by Jason Ichai -

Facilitator’s Online Presence Strategy


  • Being online and making comments during the discussion.
  • Poke inactive participant to keep them onboard.
  • Giving participant quizzes and assignment and giving feedback from the same.
  • Activities in the module should have a fixed milestone
  • Use group emails, whatsapps etc. for communication
  • Establish timetable which are agreed by the participants and the facilitators
  • Remind participant on scheduled sessions early enough.
  • Set time for discussion and chats
  • Start and monitor discussion
  • Provide email a ddresses and other contact like facebook for ease of communication.
  • Regular interaction with participant is very important.
  • Record messages that relate to participant progress and upload it timely.
In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Online Presence Discussion Summary

by Ruth Mutua -

this is a good summary jason. you have done a great work.