Marks and Feedback

Marks and Feedback

Number of replies: 59

Task: Choose three colleague's posts in the above forum and award them points for their contribution to the discussion. Use the rubric Discussion Board Expectations, above to mark them. Assume that there are 2 marks for 'Exceeds Expectation', 1 mark for 'Meets Expectation' and 0 marks for 'Does Not Meet Expectation.' Maximum number of marks is 14. 

Use this forum below to provide feedback and the marks you have allocated to each of your colleagues.

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Stanley Mutisya -

Patrick Etyang 10/14

Relevance= 02

use of examples= 00

contribution to the community = 02

comprehension = 01

written quality = 01

timeliness = 02

Tone = 02

marks for Geofrey Kimalel 12/14

Relevance= 02

use of examples= 02

contribution to the community = 02

comprehension = 01

written quality = 02

timeliness = 01

Tone = 02

Barnabus Ikahu 10/14

Relevance= 02

use of examples= 02

contribution to the community = 01

comprehension = 01

written quality = 01

timeliness = 01

Tone = 02


In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Patrick Etyang -

Lucy Wanja      12/14

Relevance                                      =2

Use of example                              =1

Contribution to community learning=2

Comprehension                               =2

Written quality                               =2

Timeliness                                      =2

Tone                                               =1

Peter Mwangoma    11/14

Relevance                                      =2

Use of example                              =2

Contribution to community learning=2

Comprehension                               =2

Written quality                               =1

Timeliness                                      =1

Tone                                               =1

Collins Odanga        11/14

Relevance                                      =2

Use of example                              =1

Contribution to community learning=1

Comprehension                               =2

Written quality                               =2

Timeliness                                      =2

Tone                                               =1

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

Name: Barnabas Ikahu    Marks  = 11/14

Relevance:             2

Use of examples:         2

Contribution to Learning Community:        

Comprehension: 2

Written Quality: 1

Timeliness: 1

Tone: 1


Name:  Stanley Mutisya   Marks  = 13/14

Relevance:             2

Use of examples:  2

Contribution to Learning Community:  2       

Comprehension: 2

Written Quality: 2

Timeliness: 2

Tone: 1


Name:  Patrick Etyang   Marks  = 12/14

Relevance:             2

Use of examples:  0 

Contribution to Learning Community:  2       

Comprehension: 2

Written Quality: 2

Timeliness: 2

Tone: 2

In reply to Geoffrey Kimalel

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Peter Mwangoma -

@Geoffrey, I have noticed  no one seems to have gotten 14/14, looks an upheaval task! Hahahaha!

In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Patrick Etyang -

@Mwangoma a good number of us actually we miss one or two things ie giving example here, a typo there or a  missing link. All these deny a mark. As teachers we even become keener when marking

In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

@Mwangoma. Ya it is a task. On the other hand, we are still learning sir

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Anthony Nzioki -

Etyang  12/14

Relevance= 02

use of examples= 00

contribution to the community = 02

comprehension = 02

written quality = 02

timeliness = 02

Tone = 02

Collins 10/14

Relevance= 02

use of examples= 00

contribution to the community = 02

comprehension = 01

written quality = 01

timeliness = 02

Tone = 02

Mutisya 11/14

Relevance= 02

use of examples= 00

contribution to the community = 02

comprehension = 02

written quality = 01

timeliness = 02

Tone = 02

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Jason Ichai -

Patrick 12/14

Relevance = 02

use of examples = 00

contribution to the community = 02

comprehension = 02

written quality = 02

timeliness = 02

Tone = 02

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Jason Ichai -

Ikahu    Marks  = 11/14

Relevance:             2

Use of examples      =       1

Contribution to Learning Community=        

Comprehension         = 2

Written Quality     = 1

Timeliness          = 1

Tone          = 2

In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Barnabas Ikahu -

I later realized it's not easy to formulate relevant examples. However it was an eye opener.

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Jason Ichai -

 Kimalel 12/14

Relevance          = 02

Use of examples     = 02

Contribution to the community = 02

Comprehension       = 02

Written quality      = 01

Timeliness           = 01

Tone                    = 01

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Peter Mwangoma -
  • Geoffrey Kimalel= 13/14

Relevance                                      =2

Use of example                              =2

Contribution to community learning=2

Comprehension                               =2

Written quality                               =2

Timeliness                                      =2

Tone                                               =1

  • Joel Kahindi=12/14

Relevance                                      =2

Use of examples                             =1

Contribution to community learning= 2

Comprehension                               =2

Written quality                               =2

Timeliness                                      =2

Tone                                               =1

  • Irine Kuria = 12/14

Relevance                                      =2

Use of examples                             =1

Contribution to community learning=1

Comprehension                               =2

Written quality                               =2

Timeliness                                      =2

Tone                                              =2

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Collins Odanga -

Name:  Jason Ichai

Relevance:             2

Use of examples:  0

Contribution to Learning Community:  2

Comprehension: 2

Written Quality: 2

Timeliness: 2

Tone: 1

Total marks: 11/14


Name:  Lucy Wanja

Relevance:             2

Use of examples:  2

Contribution to Learning Community:  2

Comprehension: 2

Written Quality: 2

Timeliness: 1

Tone: 2

Total marks: 13/14


Name:  Peter Mwangoma

Relevance:             2

Use of examples:  1

Contribution to Learning Community:  2

Comprehension: 2

Written Quality: 2

Timeliness: 1

Tone: 1

Total marks: 10/14


In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Barnabas Ikahu -

Analyzing a post to award the required marks is a real task as well. Keep up Collins

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Kisach Mary -


  • Relevance                                  =02
  • Use of examples                        =02
  • Contribution to the community=02
  • Comprehension                         =02
  • Written quality                          =02
  • Timeliness                                 =02 



Ruth Mutua

  • Relevance                                               =02
  • Use of examples                                      =01
  • Contribution to the learning community=01
  • Comprehension                                       =02
  • Written quality                                        =02
  • Timeliness                                               =01



Anthony Nzioki

  • Relevance                                  =02
  • Use of examples                        =01
  • Contribution to the community=02
  • Comprehension                         =02
  • Written quality                          =02
  • Timeliness                                  =01




In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Ruth Mutua -

Name:       Kisach Mary

Relevance: 2

Use of examples:1

Contribution to learning community:2

Comprehension:   2

Written Quality:   2

Timeliness:    1

Tone:         1

Total Marks:  11/14


Name:  Collins Odanga

Relevance: 2

Use of examples:1

Contribution to learning community:2


Written Quality:2


Tone:    2

Total Marks:12/14


Name:  Lucy Wanja

Relevance: 2

Use of examples:1

Contribution to learning community:2


Written Quality:2

Timeliness:   1

Tone:    1

Total Marks:11/14

In reply to Ruth Mutua

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Ruth Mutua -

The above have really tried but on examples only some have really exhausted them. So I think on the exams work has to be done. On comprehension this is fairly done. Otherwise you have all tried.

In reply to Ruth Mutua

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Kisach Mary -

@Ruth.....citing examples has really featured....a good advice for improvement.


In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Barnabas Ikahu -

Stanley Mutisya =11/14

Relevance = 2

Use of examples = 1

Contribution to the community = 2

Comprehension = 2

Written quality = 1

Timeliness = 1

Tone = 2

By the time of this feedback all the post by Stanley were done within the same day though there is room for others to comment on them. Examples need to be made more relevant while analysis of all point will point one or so ambiguity.

Lucy Wanja = 12/14

Relevance = 2

Use of examples = 1

Contribution to the community = 2

Comprehension = 2

Written quality = 2

Timeliness = 1

Tone = 2

Not enough examples used and there's only one post as of this feedback time. Depending on the number of total number of members who have made their contributions, there is still time for others to comment on Lucy's post.

Mary Kisach = 10

Relevance = 2

Use of examples = 0

Contribution to the community = 2

Comprehension = 2

Written quality = 2

Timeliness = 1

Tone = 1

No examples used. All posts done the same day. Flat tone

In reply to Barnabas Ikahu

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Kisach Mary -

@Barbnabus you are right examples either  used sparingly or not used at all.

Thanks  good work.

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Joel Kahindi -

Name: Peter Mwangoma

relevance-  2

use of examples- 1

contribution to community-2

comprehension -2

written quality-2

timelines -2


total:  12/14



relevance- 2

use of examples- 2

contribution to community-1


written quality-2

timelines- 2


total. 12/14


Ruth mutua:


use of examples-1

contribution to community-1

comprehension --2

written quality--2



total: 11/14


In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Mohamed Dhidha -

Joel Kahindi: 12

Relevance: 2

Use of examples: 2

Contributing to learning community: 1

Comprehension: 2

Written Quality: 2

Timeliness: 2

Tone: 1

Peter Mwangoma:

Relevance: 2



In reply to Mohamed Dhidha

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Joel Kahindi -

@mohamme you seem not to have completed your submission here...if I am not wrong.

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Irene Kuria -

Mohammed Dhidha


Use of examples-1

Contribution to learning-2


Written quality-1





 Joel Kahindi


Use of examples-1

Contribution to learning-2


Written quality-2





Barnabas Ikahu


Use of examples-1

Contribution to learning-2


Written quality-2





In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Irene Kuria -

Barnabus scored high because there was a difference of days between his first posting and the others.

Use of examples in all of them was done sparingly thus scoring one mark each.

Mohammed scored less than the others in written quality coz i felt like he didnt expound more on his point ie what is famously known to teachers as'adding meat' to his points.

All the same they all showed that they understood what they were discussing.

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Mohamed Dhidha -

Peter Mwangoma:12/14


Use of examples=2

Contributing to learning community=1


Written Quality=2



Kisach Mary=13/14


Use of examples=2

Contributing to learning community=2


Written Quality-2









In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Lucy Wanja -

Collins Odanga:

Relevance: 2

Use of examples: 1

 Contribution to Learning Community: 2

 Comprehension: 2

  Written Quality: 2

 Timeliness: 2

  Tone: 2

Total marks:13/14

Patrick Etyang:

Relevance: 2

Use of examples: 1

Contribution to Learning Community: 2

Comprehension: 2

Written Quality: 2

Timeliness: 2


Total marks: 12/14

Barnabas Ikahu:

Relevance: 2

Use of examples: 1

Contribution to Learning Community: 2

Comprehension: 2

Written Quality: 1

Timeliness: 2


Total marks: 11/14

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Lucy Wanja -

This task has been the most challenging for me. Its quite a task analyzing work that is of such a high  standard. Congratulations colleagues you are all quite good.


In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Grace Kinuthia -

Name: Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha Marks  = 10/14

Relevance:             2

Use of examples:         0

Contribution to Learning Community:  1     

Comprehension: 1

Written Quality: 2

Timeliness: 2

Tone: 2


Name: Mohamed Dhidha Marks  = 10/14

Relevance:             2

Use of examples:         0

Contribution to Learning Community:  2    

Comprehension: 1

Written Quality: 2

Timeliness: 2

Tone: 1


Name: Joel Kahindi Marks  = 11/14

Relevance:             2

Use of examples:         0

Contribution to Learning Community:  2    

Comprehension: 2

Written Quality: 2

Timeliness: 1

Tone: 2


In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Joel Kahindi -

@grace I like your marks distribution, you have been a critical thinker.

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Martin Kavua -

Geoffrey Kimalel = 12/14

Relevance= 02

use of examples= 02

contribution to the community = 02

comprehension = 02

written quality = 01

timeliness = 02

Tone = 01

Jason Ichai = 9/14

Relevance= 02

use of examples= 00

contribution to the community = 01

comprehension = 02

written quality = 01

timeliness = 02

Tone = 01

Lucy Wanja = 11/14

Relevance= 02

use of examples= 01

contribution to the community = 02

comprehension = 02

written quality = 02

timeliness = 01

Tone = 01

 Participants did a good job. However, there was minimal use of examples except in the case of Kimalel. It should also be noted that extensive quoting may not make for interesting reading. It is better to read and summarize what one has understood from the text as opposed to pasting the actual text read in a forum or chat. 

In reply to Martin Kavua

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Patrick Muriuki -

Martin great work. You have pointed out great insights of what is expected. That is relevancy.

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha -

Grace Mathu

Relevance -02


Contribution to learning community-00


Writing Quality-01



Total =12/14

Emily Chepngeno

Relevance -02

Examples -00

Contribution to learning community -02

Comprehension -02

Writing Quality -02

Timelines -01

Tone -02

Total = 11/14

Rodgers Namwaya

Relevance -02

Examples -00

Contribution to learning community -01

Compression -02

Writing Quality -01

Timelines -01

Tone- 01

Total = 08/14

 -Good work done. However Mr Namwaya's contribution needed more than the statement given. He may elaborate on his statement for members to get him clearly!


In reply to Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Emily Chepngeno -

This is great with possible solution in areas of weakness

In reply to Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Rodgers Namwaya -

I agree with you Onyancha, I should have done more on this assignment. Point taken.

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Emily Chepngeno -

Josephat Onganga Onyanja



Contribution to community:01


Writing quality:02




Geofrey Kimalel



Contribution to community:01


Written quality:02




Lucy Wanja



Contribution to community:02


Written quality:02




In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Leah Christine Ouko -









Use of examples




Contribution to learning community








Written Quality
















In reply to Leah Christine Ouko

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Janet Mayora -

@Leah and Rodgers, I like the way you've done your work, keep it up.

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Rodgers Namwaya -
Name Date Relevance Example use Contribution Comprehesion Written quality Timeliness Tone Total
Geofrey Kimalel 22 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 10
Barnabas Ikahu 22 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 9
Lucy Wanja 22 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 11
In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Janet Mayora -

Stanley Mutisya

Relevance 02

Use of examples 02

Contribution to the community 02

Comprehension 02

Written quality 02

Timeliness 01

Tone 02

Total 13/14

Good Stanley, Keep it up!

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Francis Karanja -


Patrick Etyang

Relevance :2

Examples :0

Compression :2

Contribution to the community :2

Written quality :1

Timeliness : 2

Tone :2 

Total 11/14


Antony Nzioki

Relevance :2

Examples :0

Compression :2

Contribution to the community :2

Written quality :1

Timeliness : 2

Tone :1 

Total  : 10/14

Grace Mathu

Relevance :2

Examples :0

Compression :1

Contribution to the community :2

Written quality :1

Timeliness : 2

Tone :2 

Total : 9/14

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Washington Otula -

1. Patrick Etyang

  • Relevance=2
  • Use of examples=2
  • Contribution to Learning Community=2
  • Comprehension=2
  • Written Quality=2
  • Timeliness=1
  • Tone=1

Total Score=12/14

2. Lucy Wanja

  • Relevance=2
  • Use of examples=2
  • Contribution to Learning community=2
  • Comprehension=2
  • Written Quality=2
  • Timeliness=1
  • Tone=2

Total Score=13/14

3. Barnabas Ikahu

  • Relevance=2
  • Use of examples=2
  • Contribution to Learning Community =1
  • Comprehension=2
  • Written Quality=2
  • Timeliness=1
  • Tone=2

Total Score=12/14


In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Kiruja Kiria -
CRITERIA Partrick Etyang Geoffrey Kimalel Barnabas Ikahu
Relevance 2 2 2
Use of examples 1 2 2
Contribution to the community 1 2 1
Comprehension 2 2 2
Written quality 2 2 1
Timeliness 2 1 2
Tone 1 1 1
Total Marks 11 12 11


I found the engagement and contribution given by each participant very engaging as well as important to the discussion. The basis of rewarding of marks was through my engagement and the subsequent replies that each participant gave in support of their views. job well done Partrick!, Geofrrey! and Barnabas!

In reply to First post

Re: Marks and Feedback

by Patrick Muriuki -




Geofrey k. 


Use of examples 

Contribution to learning community 


Written Quality 







you guys deserve above mark your contributions all round.