Facilitator - Participant Communication for Theme D

Chat summary unit 9

Chat summary unit 9

by Irene Kuria -
Number of replies: 13

Hi all,

Find attached the chat summary for unit 9. That was the best i could do on the same.


In reply to Irene Kuria

Re: Chat summary unit 9

by Joel Kahindi -

@irene great work , i know it has taken much of your time, but at least you have sharpened your competence! Be blessed.

In reply to Irene Kuria

Re: Chat summary unit 9

by Aden Mohammed -

waw i like the supersonic speed of This Lady, just asking what have you taken for lunch? coz....any way, am proud to have a colleague of your nature keep it up and volunteer to do the rest chat summary.

In reply to Irene Kuria

Re: Chat summary unit 9

by Abraham Wekesa -

Irene etal,

Due to unavoidable circumstances i was not able to participate in the chat.Network got lost and means from where i teach to town don't go there.Lucky got a lorry to Lodwar yesterday been busy going through the work and the portfolio.

I have gone through the chat before coming here and i must say what i wanted to say was all captured.Am happy most of you spoke my mind like;

  • easening of planning.
  • monitoring of performance and attendance also made easy.
  • develops stakeholders confidence as time to attend to them is shortened.
  • paper work is reduced thus space too for storage.

Pray for us in diaspora surely.


In reply to Abraham Wekesa

Re: Chat summary unit 9

by Irene Kuria -

@ wekesa glad what u wanted to say is what was said. Pole for not attending da chat..