Facilitator - Participant Communication for Theme D

Unit 9 welcome note

Unit 9 welcome note

by Samuel Nyaga -
Number of replies: 9

Dear participants,

Welcome to Unit 9: ICT to Keep School Records. We commend you for your active participation and successfully completing unit 8. It was delightful interacting with you in unit 8 where there was a lot of collaboration as many of us supported each other in the course activities.

Unit 9 will be facilitated from today Monday 21st to Sunday 27th March, 2016. During this period, you will be expected to interact with all the learning materials availed for this unit, actively participate in the discussion and chat forums and submit your portfolio item promptly.

The unit has the following activities:

  1. Discussion forum on “How a school management system can help support a school and class administration”.
  2. Chat session to be held on Wednesday 23/03/2016 from 1600 to 1700hrs (4.00 to 5.00pm) Kenyan time. The chat topic will be on: “How a school management system would be of benefit to education stakeholders in your school”.
  3. Portfolio item # 9 School Management System Recommendations.

 Kindly ensure that you complete these activities by the end of the facilitation of this unit.

Kind regards

Samuel & Mary

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Unit 9 welcome note


i will be there,thanks for your concerns ,kindly remind me of the username and pass word of KICTFCT open SIS

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Unit 9 welcome note

by Peter Mwangoma -

@Facilitation team, thanks for your support, compliments and sense of direction.. I am particularly glad and count myself lucky to have have had you to steer us through the previous units via your able capacities. Keep it up!! 

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Unit 9 welcome note

by Paul Kibet -

@sammy and Dr. mary thanks for the welcome and updates be blessed all

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Unit 9 welcome note

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

Thank you facilitation team. Could you kindly check the date in the Portfolio item #9 It is still 2015.