Facilitator - Participant Communication for Theme D

conclusion of Unit 8 facilitation

conclusion of Unit 8 facilitation

by Samuel Nyaga -
Number of replies: 1

Dear Participants,

We have come to the end of unit 8 facilitation. We thank you most sincerely for your active participation in this unit. We acknowledge your collaboration and the way you have supported each other in this unit. Kindly continue in the same way even in other units.

In recognition of the challenges your are facing and the many activities of this unit, the facilitation team has decided to add you two more days to complete and upload your assignments. The new deadline for submitting your assignment is now Tuesday 22/3/2016 at 23.55hours (11.55pm) Kenyan time. Please ensure that you complete and submit your  assignments timely.

Wishing you well as you work on your unit 8 assignments and undertake unit 9 activities.

Facilitation Team


In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: conclusion of Unit 8 facilitation

by Kisach Mary -

Thank you so much the facilitation team for your tireless  guidance.

If it were not for your guidance and support....things would be difficult. 

Despite the many challenges. I have personally enjoyed the unit.

Thank you all.