Facilitator - Participant Communication for Theme D



by Lydia Okoth Ochungo -
Number of replies: 18

Dear participants, access the chat summary ,ensure you check your name and if there is any omission I will be flexible to make necessary corrections .Critiques are highly welcome.

In reply to Lydia Okoth Ochungo

Re: CHAT SUMMARY UNIT 7 (9th March)

by Joel Kahindi -

@lydi good work my dia may the Lord bless the work of your hands. I know you have sacrificed a lot of your time! your efforts will not go unrewarded.

In reply to Lydia Okoth Ochungo

Re: CHAT SUMMARY UNIT 7 (9th March)

by Joel Kahindi -

@lydi good work my dia may the Lord bless the work of your hands. I know you have sacrificed a lot of your time! your efforts will not go unrewarded.

In reply to Lydia Okoth Ochungo

Re: CHAT SUMMARY UNIT 7 (9th March)

by Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha -

@Lydia, hongera kwa bidii za mchwa kwa mwia kiduchu zilizozaa muhtasari maridadi. Nakupa kongole belele zangu, hebu naye Maulana akubariki! 

In reply to Lydia Okoth Ochungo

Re: CHAT SUMMARY UNIT 7 (9th March)

by Peter Mwangoma -

Eeeeih!!! @ Lydia Okoth, beautiful work you have for us here!! Keep it up!

In reply to Lydia Okoth Ochungo

Re: CHAT SUMMARY UNIT 7 (9th March)

by Paul Kibet -
@lydia superb summary be blessed until you dish out to others