
Overarching Values that shape the curriculum

Overarching Values that shape the curriculum

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Overarching values that shape the Science and English Curriculum

The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. In dictionaries, curriculum is often defined as the courses offered by a school, but it is rarely used in such a general sense in schools. The curriculum gives rise to syllabus. The curriculum development is shaped by political factors, socio-economic factors and cultural factors. Other factors that shape the curriculum are historical perspectives, emerging trends like ICT context and legal context of curriculum development. In view of the above underlying factors the syllabus born out of the curriculum has subjects that contain content that is taught in schools such as Science or English. The Kenyan syllabus espouses acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes that lead to realization of what is known as goals of education. Now the syllabus in an attempt to realize goals of education portends general and specific objectives. Objectives are aims/ intentions or purposes to be achieved at the end of the course. Such general objectives in science involve:-

-          Develop and explore the environment

-          Develop creativity and mental skills for rational decision-making

-          Develop creativity and critical thinking and addressing new and emerging issues

-          Manage and conserve resources

In English the general objective is well cut out by the end of the primary course, the learner should be able to communicate fluently, independently and accurately in everyday life.