Summarising Discussions

Summary of Online Presence Discussion

Summary of Online Presence Discussion

by Anthony Nzioki -
Number of replies: 8

-          Use email (individual or group), chats forums for interaction

-          Welcome participants and provide necessary guidelines

-          Use audio visual to communicate to the participants before the start i.e. make an introduction through audio visual

-          Provide a timetable for agreed activities like chat forums, online facilitator presence, etc

-          Give them feedback on discussions and updates whenever required

-          Reach members by mail especially on their absence

-          Be online always as you occasionally make comments

-          Give direction to discussions by giving input whenever necessary

-          Do a summary as you move on of important points raised in discussions along the way

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Summary of Online Presence Discussion

by Patrick Etyang -

@ Nzioki easily elaborated. Easy to understand and follow. good piece. It will help us in this forum

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Summary of Online Presence Discussion

by Ruth Mutua -

the points are well elaborated they are very true.

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Summary of Online Presence Discussion

by Barnabas Ikahu -

In were able to sum up the discussion in a simple but very elaborate way. All points well summarized.

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Summary of Online Presence Discussion

by Lucy Wanja -

well done Nzioki, this summary is brief and to the point!


In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Summary of Online Presence Discussion

by Grace Kinuthia -

The summary is clear, brief, precise and to the point