KICTCFT Facilitation Readiness

Technical Facilitation Role

Technical Facilitation Role

by Admin User -
Number of replies: 61

How might we use the Moodle tools to support the participants who require technical assistance?

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Anthony Nzioki -

we can use the tools to advise them on the necessary procedures to handle a given technical situation

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Stanley Mutisya -

@Anthony that's very true one can use Instant messaging services for that purpose.

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Ruth Mutua -

very true and this can also be advised in the welcome message

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Leah Christine Ouko -

 Offer technical assistance to the participants by guiding them on which tool would help solve which particular problem. If need be give them valuable links.

In reply to Leah Christine Ouko

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Barnabas Ikahu -

Some participants only use a gadget for as long as it is in good condition. If it presents the slightest problem, they go to artisans. Such people can be encouraged to do a bit of trouble shooting.

In reply to Barnabas Ikahu

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Jason Ichai -

I also believe Ikahu that it is the technical side of facilitation  that should provide easy to use and understand Graphic User Interface (GUI)

In reply to Leah Christine Ouko

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Stanley Mutisya -

@Leah well said once guided one can solve any upcoming problem.

In reply to Leah Christine Ouko

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Ruth Mutua -

leah i agree with you and those links should be updated

In reply to Leah Christine Ouko

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kisach Mary -

@Leah I agree with you....technical  assistance  is paramount  on the moodle platforms.

In reply to Leah Christine Ouko

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Francis Karanja -

@Leah agreed with good guidance and giving them the necessary links one can be assisted.

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Patrick Etyang -

Can be used for guidance through email or whatsapp or facebook. Discussion forums can be used to encourage one another, trouble shooting or focused group discussions with intention of solving problems that are technical in nature.

In reply to Patrick Etyang

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Stanley Mutisya -

@Patrick guidance can be done through many avenues as mentioned above. specifically in the moodle what can be used for that purpose apart from what you have mentioned up there?

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Patrick Etyang -

@Stanley quite a number actually ie wikis, blogs, skype. All these can be used to motivation with the others I mentioned. Thank you.

In reply to Patrick Etyang

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha -

I concur, with you brother Etyang on the use of social platforms to render the vital support needed. However, I have had a challenge with the Facebook platform that we recently established for this goup, i.e. KICTCFT ONLINE FACILITATOR'S COURSE. I don't know whether it is only with my case, but I found that it is not private to group members only. All my other friends have an access to it. What can be done to avoid a similar scenario when we will be using Facebook to guide the learners without the 'entire world viewing?' 

In reply to Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Mohamed Dhidha -

I think the facilitator should also provide phone number by which a participant can call.

In reply to Patrick Etyang

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Ruth Mutua -

@patrick the above also reflects in the moodle platform

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Jason Ichai -

We can support the participant with easy to navigate links when accessing  the LMs

we can remove outdated information while updating at the same time.

Being available at agreed time to solve emerging issues


In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Barnabas Ikahu -

Providing a step by step procedure of navigating through the Moodle platform. This may include information about login to obtaining information from different links that are provided here.

In reply to Barnabas Ikahu

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Mohamed Dhidha -

Also assist them whenever they are stuck despite providing procedures.

In reply to Barnabas Ikahu

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Joel Kahindi -

@Barbanas nice one...besides being availlable to help participants possible 24/7.

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Stanley Mutisya -

On technical assistance the Moodle has some items that are linked to the web or links to access information from the web. some of these links are active some might require to be activated, others have wrong  addresses and so on.

As an admin in the Moodle platform you may have the rights to activate/change some of those links that are not active to allow the participants to go on with their work 

You can also specify the size of documents required for upload because the Moodle only allows a specified size. Here you  can advise the participant to adhere to that to avoid such technical issues.

All these can be communicated through facilitators forum or direct messages to the participants or even have dialogue boxes to guide the participants.


In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kisach Mary -
@Stanley I agree with you because at times the learners are unable y o visit some sites unless they are activated ....and that's when the facilitator pumps in the technical support.
In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kisach Mary -
@Stanley I agree with you because at times the learners are unable y o visit some sites unless they are activated ....and that's when the facilitator pumps in the technical support.
In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kisach Mary -
@Stanley I agree with you because at times the learners are unable y o visit some sites unless they are activated ....and that's when the facilitator pumps in the technical support.
In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kisach Mary -
@Stanley I agree with you because at times the learners are unable y o visit some sites unless they are activated ....and that's when the facilitator pumps in the technical support.
In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Jason Ichai -

It is true Technical support is required here especially on removing links that are not working or those that require Re-activation

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Lucy Wanja -

@Mutisya I agree with you. Some links do not open or are outdated. the facilitator should help in resolving such issues. 

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kisach Mary -
As a facilitator using the moodle platform it is imperative to encourage learners to use the specified delivery tools like skype,facebook,what tool to use to upload assignmeents etc thus modelling their competencies basing on the course system. In addition, one is also in a position to activate links that sometimes don't open up by providing passwords thus alleviating access problems.The facilitator can also update the system to provide the right material that was geared to....for example providing links with example that are within the learners cognitive ability and environment.
In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Stanley Mutisya -

@Mary i concur with most of what you have said up there, especially the point on updating the system this can help in curing most of the technicalities.

In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Peter Mwangoma -

@Mary, sometimes this part of technical facilitation role seem elusive for me... Majority of people seem to shy away from the term itself. Technical support should come in handy during facilitations...I agree with you..

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha -
  1. Adding a resource such as uploading a useful file for use during the course or a link to a web page
  2. Creating a News Forum for any course announcements
  3. Assignments: Use this for assignments and feedback on the same
  4. Discussion forums to engage in several learning activities(at least all of us keep learning a new thing while in a group of people like this one. When teachers too are included, we expect much more learning from one another)
In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Irene Kuria -

Before ,on and during the course one can update the hyperlinks necessary in the process of learning. Facilitators can also use the facilitator -participants forum to provide a step by step procedure on how to tackle a technical problem that proves to be common among the participants. 

I also think it is not a harm for a facilitator to provide his or her contacts to the participants incase of any techini-al assistance. Or even contacts of an 3xpert in techinical issues.

Whatsapp groups formed can also be used as a platform to assist. The whatsspp groups may also be used by participants to collaboraate. It_ not a suprise to get a participant who is knowledgable

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Collins Odanga -

How to carry out technical role:


Before the course starts go through the platform to establish whether all resources are functional and up to date.

During the first week avail yourself online most of the time to give direction/guide on technical operations challenging the participants.

During the rest of the course provide a specific communication tool and the time for any assistance that may be needed.

During the last week maintain the assistance to participants until the course reaches its dead end.

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Grace Kinuthia -

The graphical user interface of moodle is very user friendly, its easy to navigate through it. However some participants and facilitator may have some technical issues when using it, and moodle can still be used to help them out. This can be done by taking screen shots, put them in a word processor or PDF save it as a file then attach the file in moodle. For example if a participant has a hard time logging in, then the facilitator can take screen shots of the whole process of how to log in, put the screen shots in chronological order, then attach them to moodle.

A facilitator can also have a section of frequently asked questions on technical issues in moodle. This will enable any participant to visit that section to find out if the technical issue they are facing is in that section. If it is not there then they can contact the facilitator through writing a message to them via the moodle.

Lastly but not least, a facilitator can also use videos to explain procedures on how a participant can handle any technical issue they face.

In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Mohamed Dhidha -

i agree with you, Grace. All this can help assist participants with technical challenges.

In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kisach Mary -

@Grace Mathu....I agree with you on the use of videos to illustrate  how moodle  works to assist in dealing with some of the technical issues.

In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Francis Karanja -

@Grace video can help explain any trouble shooting or installation needed

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Peter Mwangoma -

It is inevitable that technical issues are bound to arise, and therefore the need for support arrangements.

For a smooth and successful running of the program, contact persons (individuals) with technical expertise/know how should be in handy and constantly on the stand-by to sort out such issues among the learners. Their contacts should be accessible for the learners to reach out to them in times of technical need. These individuals could be sourced from within the facilitating team, and their availability through out the course period is crucial.

Before the start of the online training, it is prudent to check on the moodle to establish conformity and functionality before hand. Things should be sorted out to check on any inconsistencies on the moodle and rectify them lest they become a challenge to the learners.

During the course, common communication tools/forums could be created through which the learners can address their technical concerns. Here, both the learners and facilitators chip in to tackle matters at hand. These tools could include Skype, emails, Facebook, Instant messaging, whichever is applicable.


In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Joel Kahindi -

@mwangoma indeed your argument is quite in order. The point on sourcing technical experts is good, however I think this  should be well planned as it may cause additional expenses to the course.The admin should take control of most of the technical issues.

In reply to Joel Kahindi

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Peter Mwangoma -
@Joe,, yaah, you are right . Or better still, we could have experts among the facilitators...
In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kisach Mary -

@peter mwangoma......well illustrated statements.

I agree with you that the moodle platforms need to be checked  regularly to ensure  that they are updated and working well to ensure smooth transition. .

Especially  during chats....Sometimes  it might not respond ...maybe because of the fast postings.

So technical  support becomes essential. 

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Joel Kahindi -

The Moodle tools could be used in the following ways to support participants who require technical assistant.

The facilitator communication forums where the participants can reach the facilitator in case of a technical issue. Before the start of the course, the  admin and facilitators should make sure the links provided within the course are functional. This would reduce the  occasion of inactive learning as the technicians workout to sort the problem.

The facilitator should provide other direct communication contacts such as skype, twitter handle and even direct messaging to students. This will enable the students reach these people for aid just in case.They could also add a tool free number working 24/7

The calender of events can also help participants to prepare in advance. The participants should keep in touch with this tool to get to know of upcoming crucial events such as exams. Get to know their worksheets.

It is indeed prudent therefore that all parties within the course know their roles as regard to the technical issues that would emerge and be there when needed.


In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Mohamed Dhidha -

Since the participants may be at different levels of ICT competency, the facilitator should guide participants on how the system or software works. And when stuck, he/she assists  them overcome the challenge by further guidance through any of the various applicable tools of communication or fora.

In reply to Mohamed Dhidha

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

@Dhida. That is true. A facilitator should be present in order to guide due to diverse competency level.

In reply to Mohamed Dhidha

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kisach Mary -


I like your point  on different level of competencies. ..some might be beginners  others intermediate  or advanced  depending on individuals competency  one needs to give out technical guidance and support.

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

Moodle can be used by explaining a procedure of solving a particular technical problem. Giving out some supportive links will enhance the help. For example if an Operating System is not compatible with a certain program, a link for an update of the OS can be given through the moodle to assist the affected participant.

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Ruth Mutua -

we can use moodle tools in various ways:

  1. Updating the links which might not be working giving the participants hectic time because they are either dead or broken. It is good to do this before the course starts to reduce such instances.
  2. Assist students who may be having difficulty  in logging in as the course begins.
  3. one can better this tools in this platform to be able to suite the competency objectives for the achieving of the same.



In reply to Ruth Mutua

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kisach Mary -

@ruth mutua you are  right logging in can sometimes  be difficult  specially  if you forgot the password technical assistance.


In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Lucy Wanja -

Facilitators can offer technical support by encouraging learners to use the help forum- a discussion forum for course related questions. It saves the facilitators time because the facilitator can post answers to the whole class. For example a query on maybe how to compress a file would help even learners who are struggling and have not asked questions.

In reply to Lucy Wanja

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Francis Karanja -

@Lucy it is true help forum can help to solve a technical problem.

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Francis Karanja -

I propose a short video Crip to demonstrate on the areas of need.

In reply to Francis Karanja

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Emily Chepngeno -

I concur with you Francis a video clip demonstrating the organization can be very useful

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Emily Chepngeno -

Technical problem can be solved by making a step by step powerpoint presentation on how to organize and manage ICT tools. This will act as a manual for the participants to refer to whenever there is a problem

In reply to Emily Chepngeno

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kiruja Kiria -

Emily this is good as it forms a guideline to navigate the platform

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Patrick Muriuki -

The technical role would involve referring learners to technical support resources, addressing technical concerns, diagnosing and clarifying problems encountered and allowing the learners to learn new programs.

In reply to Patrick Muriuki

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Janet Mayora -

Encourage them to share and discuss their problems with the others in the collaboration forums, if possible provide links or ask them to visit websites with relevant information on how to go about some of the issues. They can also contact the help desk or the technical department for help.

In reply to Janet Mayora

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kiruja Kiria -

Janet this is s a very effective strategy as peer learners are free to each other and fear less to make mistakes

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Kiruja Kiria -

Allowing the participants to navigate on their own but being present to offer any help that is needed

In reply to Admin User

Re: Technical Facilitation Role

by Francis Karanja -

Mostly when starting the administrator can provide a password reset tool and as course progress admin can provide video links for any technical problem (trouble shooting)