Just Three Words...

Just Three Words...

Just Three Words...

Number of replies: 159

Continue the sentence using just three words.

"Characteristics of an ideal online facilitator would be..." 

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Patrick Etyang -

openness, flexibility, sincerity

In reply to Patrick Etyang

Re: Just Three Words...

by Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha -

Keen, disciplined, collaborative

In reply to Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha

Re: Just Three Words...

by Barnabas Ikahu -

Self-discipline boosts intrinsic motivation. When nobody is around to remind you your duties, self-discipline stands by.

In reply to Patrick Etyang

Re: Just Three Words...

by Stanley Mutisya -

@Etyang flexibility is also good but you need to be a little uptight not completely flexible to avoid being swayed. Or what do you say?

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Just Three Words...

by Patrick Etyang -

@Stanley being flexible has both dimensions ie being firm but open minded

In reply to Patrick Etyang

Re: Just Three Words...

by Irene Kuria -

@Patrick i agree with you. Stanley being flexible entails being ready to adjust when deamed necessary and convinient

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Peter Mwangoma -

Prudence, fairness, punctuality 

In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joseph Wambua -

Peter I do agree with you, an online facilitator should be fair to all.

In reply to Joseph Wambua

Re: Just Three Words...

by Peter Mwangoma -

Sure, @ sir Joseph, you are quite in order about fairness, I appreciate your skill on usage of relevant pictorial texts for clearer conveyance of the message. Thumbs up for you.

In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Just Three Words...

by Stanley Mutisya -

puctuality yes Peter fairness, yes as a facilitator you have to. Thumbs up Peter

In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joel Kahindi -

@peter indeed you are true especially on punctuality, are you able to lead by example to beat deadlines? its very vital.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

Availability, humility, knowledgeable


In reply to Geoffrey Kimalel

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joseph Wambua -

I like this Geoffrey. An online facilitator should be available and knowledgeable.

In reply to Joseph Wambua

Re: Just Three Words...

by Makoba Kitzito -
Reliable,resourceful and relevant
In reply to Makoba Kitzito

Re: Just Three Words...

by Stanley Mutisya -

@ Sir Kizito with resourceful i concur with you. The wealth of knowledge is the greatest asset for the facilitator.

In reply to Geoffrey Kimalel

Re: Just Three Words...

by Peter Mwangoma -

Availability is critical, in the first place, for a facilitator to be able to impact on the learning of his/her students in any form, their availability can not be wished away.. In fact I must confess it here that availability has posed a great challenge for me especially, due the frequent power outages and surges in my coastal region coupled with low internet connectivity that goes as low as 2G.. Very slow and never loading up to completion. This threatens my willingness for availability. Guys come to my rescue.. I can only appear at night!

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Jason Ichai -


In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

sure it is very important to be neutral

In reply to Ruth Mutua

Re: Just Three Words...

by Admin User -

True. But also appreciative of differences. Sometime neutral seems to suggest you don't care.

In reply to Admin User

Re: Just Three Words...

by Jason Ichai -

Neutral in the sense that you don't side with one participant, therefore blocking more contribution from the rest.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -


In reply to Ruth Mutua

Re: Just Three Words...

by Barnabas Ikahu -

Helpful;- you need to assist those whose motivation is low to step dropping out of the course. Helping comes in different ways such as encouraging and giving room to the slow ones to finish the assignments.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Leah Christine Ouko -

collaborator, teamplayer, fairness

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joel Kahindi -

knoledgeble, impertial, availlable

In reply to Joel Kahindi

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joseph Wambua -

Joel I do agree with you, being knowledgeable is a key factor to consider in online facilitation

In reply to Joel Kahindi

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

sure Joel availability is very important though to provide limited technical support

In reply to Joel Kahindi

Re: Just Three Words...

by Peter Mwangoma -

@ Joel, good observations you have here,,this part of being available is very inevitable... How would you handle cases of power outages and surges as well as low internet connectivity that hinder you as a facilitator from being timely available for your learners?

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joseph Wambua -

Diligent, knowledgeable, prudent

In reply to Joseph Wambua

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joel Kahindi -

@joseph, I agree especially on the knowledge. Well said.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

Tolerant, researcher, communicator.

In reply to Geoffrey Kimalel

Re: Just Three Words...

by Andrew Moore -

Communicator is another good description.

In reply to Geoffrey Kimalel

Re: Just Three Words...

by Grace Kinuthia -

A good communicator must also be a good collaborator. Great traits you have

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

Credibility, understanding, trustworty

In reply to Geoffrey Kimalel

Re: Just Three Words...

by Aggrey Odour -

Good , i think guide, listening , feedback can be included as essential qualities

In reply to Aggrey Odour

Re: Just Three Words...

by Lucy Wanja -

I agree Aggrey, one should be a guide and not an instructor.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Irene Kuria -

Openminded, creative and knowlegable

In reply to Irene Kuria

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joel Kahindi -

@irene indeed you are true madam, open minded will make one speak his or her mind;better understanding.

In reply to Irene Kuria

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

this supports being learner centered open-mindedness is an important characteristic.

In reply to Irene Kuria

Re: Just Three Words...

by Peter Mwangoma -

@ Irine, I agree with you particularly on knowledge. They say knowledge is power, hahahah! Else how do you impart the knowledge and skills if you don't have any of it yourself? You are on point.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Stanley Mutisya -

Accommodating, enthusiastic and erudite

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Just Three Words...

by Andrew Moore -

What does erudite mean? :-)

In reply to Andrew Moore

Re: Just Three Words...

by Stanley Mutisya -

Erudite has synonyms like -scholarly, knowledgeable, intellectual and so on. That's what I meant

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Just Three Words...

by Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha -

@Mutisya, Erudite- an adjective that indicates that one is Scholarly, Well read, well informed, academic, intelligent among other traits has added more vocabulary in some of us. It indeed carries a lot of weight an a summary of an avalanche of characteristics for an online facilitator.

In reply to Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha

Re: Just Three Words...

by Stanley Mutisya -

@onyancha well done and thanks for the plus in your vocabulary. 

In reply to Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

Onyancha this is a very ellaborative description.

In reply to Andrew Moore

Re: Just Three Words...

by Jason Ichai -

Erudite. This is an adjective;having or showing profound knowledge

In reply to Andrew Moore

Re: Just Three Words...

by Kisach Mary -

@Andrew....it means having or showing knowledge i.e knowledgeable. 

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joel Kahindi -

@stanley i agree, accommodate persons with even special disability.

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Just Three Words...

by Francis Karanja -

@Stanley I agree with you because one is dealing with people form different background and hence one need to be accomondating

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Grace Kinuthia -

Vitality, Collaborator, Liberal

In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Just Three Words...

by Stanley Mutisya -

@Grace, yes with vitality definately we will achieve most of the goals bestowed on this auspiscious opportunity.

In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joel Kahindi -

@grace very true vitality would make one go an extra mile as the course demands.

In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Just Three Words...

by Jason Ichai -

I agree Grace,on vitality someone with the energy to help even when the need arises without fatigue.

In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Just Three Words...

by Barnabas Ikahu -

In support of liberal individual; one who is broad-minded & is able to tolerate different views from others.

In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

Yes grace one has to be a collaborator which is one of the vital pillars in learning.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Janet Mayora -

open, listener, cooperative

In reply to Janet Mayora

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joel Kahindi -

@janet listener and cooperation are good attributes; but open as in? please elaborate.

In reply to Joel Kahindi

Re: Just Three Words...

by Aggrey Odour -

Joel maybe Janet meant to be open in mind not closed mind so you don not assume any issue but you welcome new ideas, issues approach

In reply to Joel Kahindi

Re: Just Three Words...

by Barnabas Ikahu -

@Joel, guess Janet look at 'open' in the sense of being approachable, honest and accessible.

In reply to Janet Mayora

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

being cooperative is very vital in achieving the goals to learning.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Mohamed Dhidha -
Hardworking, innovative, self-driven.
In reply to Mohamed Dhidha

Re: Just Three Words...

by Joel Kahindi -

@mohammed this is great, self- driven will give one the power to outstand and work under  minimal supervision.

In reply to Mohamed Dhidha

Re: Just Three Words...

by Aggrey Odour -

Very nice points since you must be innovative to get reasons why certain participants do things differently, you must always give new approach, suggestions of handling real issues. The facilitator must be self driven even when facing challenges to offer encouragement.

In reply to Mohamed Dhidha

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

being innovative is very important in making sure that one is able to use the ICT tools effectively. Otherwise one can have a very hectic time.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Martin Kavua -

Available, patient, fair.

In reply to Martin Kavua

Re: Just Three Words...

by Aggrey Odour -

Kavua i agree with you patience is key as different individuals have unique characteristics so each require special attention and the facilitator has to be available to offer such help

In reply to Martin Kavua

Re: Just Three Words...

by Barnabas Ikahu -

Availability particularly where no one is pushing you is essential. Planning yourself and allocating time to attend the online students requires discipline.

In reply to Martin Kavua

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

sure one has to be patient with the learners since they are of different capabilities as well as nature.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Lucy Wanja -

Focused, conflict manager, gives feedback

In reply to Lucy Wanja

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

sure feedback is very important it motivates your learners

In reply to Lucy Wanja

Re: Just Three Words...

by Francis Karanja -

@Wanja we always lead by example and hence been focused is a characteristic.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Kisach Mary -

A good online facilitator should be



3.Time manager.

In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

yes in fact non judgemental is focused in the dont's of a facililitator

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Kisach Mary -

I think one also needs  to be patient especially when dealing with diverse groups  including those with special needs and disabilities. 

In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Just Three Words...

by Collins Odanga -

hi guys, this is collins odanga, a blind individual undertaking online facilitater course with you. @kisach Mary, briliant contribution you have posted in this forum. diversity and inclusivity for both individuals with and without disabilities is key. i know some would wonder how a totally blind person would manipulate IT devices and even interact with KICTCFT PLATFORM.

In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Just Three Words...

by Aggrey Odour -

Congrats Collins you are so talented and with your experiences you will be a source of encouragement to the team and participants with God all things are possible as long as will trust him, put the necessary effort blessings will follow.

In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Just Three Words...

by Patrick Etyang -
@Collins. Wow! Am challenged. Cool am excited. Hoping for great time with you and the rest
In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Just Three Words...

by Kisach Mary -
@Collins odanga....indeed disability is not inability. ....you have articulated your points so well. Keep it up.
In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

Waoh collins you are an inspiration to many and you surely bring out the meaning of interactive learning in this course. that's great

In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Just Three Words...

by Aggrey Odour -

It is so true Mary patience is a virtue in online facilitation.

In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Just Three Words...

by Jason Ichai -

Sure, I totally agree with you Kisach, challenges should be given their time by being patient as a facilitator.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Collins Odanga -

responsiveness, constructive, recilience

In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Just Three Words...

by Aggrey Odour -

Asking questions, setting ground rules and offering leadership

In reply to Aggrey Odour

Re: Just Three Words...

by Kisach Mary -
@Agrrey Odour....your right ..on setting ground rules on the do's and don't's..and asking for clarity and elaboration on some contributions in forum,chats and the like.
In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Jennifer Wambugu -

seems almost all the descriptives of  an ideal online  facilitator have been given.but howabout;


-self assured


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Re: Just Three Words...

by Rodgers Namwaya -

Creative,patient, encouraging.

In reply to Rodgers Namwaya

Re: Just Three Words...

by Patrick Etyang -
@Rogers, you are spot on. Without patience, and encouragement facilitators may lose some students along the way particularly when met with challenges.
In reply to Rodgers Namwaya

Re: Just Three Words...

by Patrick Muriuki -

Namwaya Patient is like a must for the facilitator to walk with the learner

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Peter Mwangoma -

Colleagues, I hope am in order. That is, if we are to go by the requirements of Activity 1, Pre-course Learning Activity - Just Three Words bullet number 2.

It is in here that we also can use this occasion to introduce ourselves and tell a little about ourselves....

In that case then, here I go;   My name is Mwangoma Peter Thoyah, a Kenyan citizen by birth. I am a teacher by profession, registered with the Teachers Service Commission of Kenya, and I love my job. I work at the Coastal region, Kilifi County specifically in Magarini Sub/County. I have an enormous passion and craving for ICT competency and integration of the same in education, to help instill the 21st Century skills in our learners. I don't have the right words to express my joy to have been nominated to be a part of this online facilitation training course. I hope to remain relevant ... Thanks so much for KICTCFT team to have considered giving me this chance.

In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Just Three Words...

by Patrick Muriuki -

Peter of course thats great at the same time by clicking on an individual it opens to a window where you can access an individuals profile.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Patrick Muriuki -

Visible, organized, compassionate

In reply to Patrick Muriuki

Re: Just Three Words...

by Kisach Mary -

Available ,tolerant and passionate 

In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Just Three Words...

by Kisach Mary -

My name Mary Ksach.

I am from Kitale- Kenya in Trans-Nzoia county.Am a teacher by profession and choice am also trained to teach learners with special needs and disabilities.I have a passion in ICT and i have steer headed ICT sensitization in some schools in my county and in community seminars.I have done several courses on ICT integration  including the KICTCFT course.

Am willing to work with  you towards  ICT inlusion  in our schools both nationally and internationally.

My interest is to travel,listen to music,interact with new people and make fun with friends.

That is Mary Kisach in brief.

In reply to Patrick Muriuki

Re: Just Three Words...

by Patrick Muriuki -

VOCAL approach promote a supportive, challenging, constructive, rigorous and effective instructional environment. VOCAL is an acronym for Visible, Organized, Compassionate, Analytical and Leader-by example. The ability to effectively infuse these characteristics into their instructional practice enhances the learning process.

In reply to Patrick Muriuki

Re: Just Three Words...

by Barnabas Ikahu -

Your contributions make you visible, your presence is felt by everyone though away.

In reply to First post

Re: Just Three Words...

by Ruth Mutua -

friendly,composed, mentor

 Hello i am Ruth Mutua. I am a Kenyan citizen, a teacher by profession employed by the TSC with passion for Integration of ICT in primary schools that is why i have taken this line in my further studies. I am based in Meru County in Igembe South constituency, Igembe south District. My station is Riaki Primary School.

I really appreciate KICTCFT team alongside our employer TSC for providing this golden opportunity and hope to pass as required. i hope also to collaborate,interact and learn with all the participants of this course.