Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

Number of replies: 83

Do you have any concerns with the KICTCFT Course Facilitation Guide? Use this space to discuss with your colleagues and the course facilitators.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Anthony Nzioki -

I think as facilitators we may need to go an extra mile to learn how work with Moodle as a flatform right from installation, loading, creating courses and requiting students, etc. Again maybe it is necessary for a face to face workshop for facilitators to clarify a few issues on its use as guided in the manual.

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Stanley Mutisya -

@Anthony I support your ideas about learning how to solve the mechanical and technical issues this is because we will be able to respond to some of the problems our students may meet.

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Rodgers Namwaya -

I agrree with the observations of colleagues in this forum, and wold like to point that we can use others in trying to solve problems in the course.

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Grace Kinuthia -
Having a face to face session will also be of great help and assistance
In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Ruth Mutua -

@antony i agree with you since facilitators should also provide technical support.

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Francis Karanja -

@Antony a face to face forum needed I agree with you

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Joel Kahindi -

@anthony I concur, face to face meeting atleast once for the facilitator would be quite in order.

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Barnabas Ikahu -

For facilitators who are to coordinate a unit(s) together, there's need for a face to face meeting. When you meet with your colleagues, you learn a few things that will help you cope with them.

In reply to Barnabas Ikahu

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Kiruja Kiria -

@Barnabas good approach , face to face communication in terms of motivation as well as well mentoring from the more experienced facilitators will go a long way

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Martin Kavua -

@antonynzioki I agree that a one day workshop might be useful.

In reply to Anthony Nzioki

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Washington Otula -

Anthony, I sincerely believe a one day workshop will go along way towards demistifying some critical issues regarding facilitation work.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Jason Ichai -

I have printed and read the hard copy of KICTCFT Facilitation Guide and at the moment have no issues to raise. But it is also important for us participant to download the book "How to use Moodle 2.7, Teachers' Manual for the Worlds Most Popular LMS by Jaswinder Singh. This book is available here in PDF format and I have downloaded it. It has covered in details how to navigate in Moodle. Though quite large, one can read and use it to reinforce what is contained in the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide.

In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

@Ichai, I agree with you. This book has quality work on how to use moodle. Very good

In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Stanley Mutisya -

@Jason that's good input, though the PDF manual need more time to go through.

In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Collins Odanga -

@Jason don't raise my apetite! i must find time to read the book "how to use moodle 2.7".

In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Jason Ichai -

Download the book my brother and when you are through reading it, you are good enough to run your school online

In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Ruth Mutua -

it is a guide worth following and keeping it as a manual.

In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Joel Kahindi -

@jason i will try to get my copy the that book.

In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Joel Kahindi -

@jason i will try to get my copy the that book.

In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Martin Kavua -

I agree with most of you colleagues. 

In reply to Jason Ichai

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Kiruja Kiria -

@Jason thank you for this book, very insightful

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Geoffrey Kimalel -

I have read the guide and has not seen any course of alarm for it is clear. I particularly liked the following sections: Tracking Participant progress within a Unit, Evaluation Criteria Used to Mark Portfolio Submissions and Inserting Marks into the LMS.

In reply to Geoffrey Kimalel

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Anthony Nzioki -

Explanations are clear in fact

In reply to Geoffrey Kimalel

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Joel Kahindi -

@geofrey I agree that the highlitened areas are indeed interesting.

In reply to Geoffrey Kimalel

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Barnabas Ikahu -

The guide is self-explanatory. All the content is clear and to the point. Areas that would be problematic to facilitators are also explicit.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Patrick Etyang -

The guide is quite ok. Some concerns will be raised when they emerge due to individual differences

In reply to Patrick Etyang

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Anthony Nzioki -

ooh yesconcerns on individual differences can be addressed as need arises

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Patrick Etyang -

A part from online training, I wonder if there will be face to face orientation for the facilitators? 

In reply to Patrick Etyang

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Anthony Nzioki -

Its in deed necessary for a face to face meet

In reply to Patrick Etyang

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Collins Odanga -

@Etyang, there is a section of the online guide that indicate that facilitators may be called for a meeting in nairobi or interact by skype or google hang. i think it would be a good moment for us to share face to face.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Stanley Mutisya -

I really like what I have read above and for sure the training is well planned. I have an issue that needs to be addressed.

  •  Now that we will be managing online  students Remotely are we going to work from our stations undertaking our usual responsibilities as teachers? By asking this am trying to consider most of the hardships we had to bear undertaking the piloting stage.
In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Peter Mwangoma -

@Stano, we are in sync at thought about this facilitation schedule and our official engagement as teachers.. Definitely l doubt if I can manage both and at the same time be productive.. Relieve from classroom duties is inevitable.. #atmytake.

In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Peter Mwangoma -

Especially, with the challenges of continuous low Internet connectivity l keep experiencing at my work station which forces me be available at night when it's calm and with fewer users.. I  tell you, it's been quite a sacrifice for me to have managed in the cohort 2... Praise be to God...


In reply to Peter Mwangoma

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Mohamed Dhidha -

i concur with you Peter, otherwise participants will be in the chatroom in your absence or they will post a query that requires your attention and nobody will respond to them.

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Collins Odanga -

@Stanley, that is a good question put forward, however if you read the guide, it says that "Each facilitator will spend a minimum of 10.5 hours a week, 1.5 hour a day, providing online support and require an additional 4 hours to help with the marking load for each unit". it also provide 5 days within which to submit your report of the participants. this shows that our roles us online facilitators is part time and flexible in nature. i understand that each and every one of us will have to press strong in order to meet our daily rutines and at the same time facilitate.

In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Lucy Wanja -

This is very true Collins this means that we must also plan very carefully so that we are not caught by deadlines.

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Joel Kahindi -

@stanley I like your concern, its my hope that one of  the major partners-TSC will allow us operate in conducive environments as facilitators to make the course a success.Probally at the county headquaters.

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Jason Ichai -

I agree with you Stanley, Kenya has now the potential to change the way ICT is applied in school in use, but we cannot exploit this capability when we are tied up in other school engagement. 

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Washington Otula -

Brother Stanley, I believe we need to seek report from Andrew and his team with reference to the grey areas affecting our work on the pilot phase and what had been done to alleviate the same in future.

In reply to Stanley Mutisya

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Washington Otula -

Brother Stanley, I believe we need to seek report from Andrew and his team with reference to the grey areas affecting our work on the pilot phase and what had been done to alleviate the same in future.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Collins Odanga -

The face to face orientation session is a lifeblood stage for the success of KICTCFT online course, from my experience, twenty-four hours of orientation was a struggling sufficient time. I would suggest thirty-six hours for the face to face orientation.


If ample time is provided during orientation, I submit that a lot of anxiety that is usually associated with it during the start of online course will be significantly reduce, hence the participants will move through units at steady pace.


With the same spirit, it is essential to include facilitators with expertise in screen reading softwares and sign language interpreters when both blind and deaf participants are part of face to face orientation.

 to bring the point home, it was a very challenging moment as a visually impaired participant to learn how to use the KICTCFT moodle and at the same time to discover by my self how to manipulate the platform with "JAWS FOR WINDOW'S", a screen reading software. it is pretty to know that although the mouse and the keyboard are devices used to manipulate the computer, they "speak different languages".,,

In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Ruth Mutua -

of course collins it was hectic but we put up and had positive mind.

In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Joel Kahindi -

@collins your concerns are valid especially for the inclusion of software that surport visually impaired participants. The other concern on face to face orientation can be planned with proper logistics put in place.

In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha -

@Collins, I share sentiments on matters SNE. I teach the V.I. learners, both Low Vision and Totally Blind. It is true that there is need to do adaptations, using our experts at KISE/KICD or even from other developed countries to cater for teachers with Special Needs. It is good that you are now a facilitator. More teachers with SN need to be brought on board and take the KICTCFT course. You become the role model Sir!

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Grace Kinuthia -
After going through the KICTCFT facilitation guide, i find it very user friendly and not abstract. However once we start using it, with the help of our able facilitators Andrew and Benita, we shall be in a position to use the moodle with much ease.
In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Kisach Mary -

@Grace you are right the document is user friendly and bulids on systematically.

In reply to Grace Kinuthia

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Joel Kahindi -

@grace good thought here. I concur.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Kisach Mary -

According to what i have seen, the KICTCFT guide has no much concern since it has actually covered all that is needed however face to face session need to be organized in order to kick start online sessions to ensure smooth participation.

Otherwise so far,it still remains a well comprehensive guide .

In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Mohamed Dhidha -

Yes Mary,  you are right, at least for this first course on facilitation, face-to-face was necessary.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Lucy Wanja -

Congratulations to the designers of this course!! It is great and I am grateful for it has added value to me as a teacher.The course guide is okay, however, having interacted with the course material as a student, there are underlying issues that if addressed would make the course even greater.

These concerns are:

  • Concerns about self (facilitators)

As much as most of the facilitators being brought on board have interacted with this course at one point; it would be prudent if the new facilitators are taken through the features of the Student Management System during a face to face session so that any salient problems that may be unforeseen can be tackled. The session in my view would also expose the facilitators to a wide range of media and technologies pertaining to course materials as well as techniques of assessment.

In my view, courses that proved a challenge in cohort one and two should be communicated to the facilitators so that they find out more on the areas that were challenging to the students and be of able to help the incoming students.

  • Inclusivity

The course guide is okay but it segregates persons with disabilities since measures have not been taken to cater for persons with disabilities who may interact with the course materials. I implore for the needs if all to be considered.

  • concern about impact

Another concern (though not about the guide) is if the course will impact  on the Kenyan teachers as intended AND if the teachers will have a paradigm shift as is expected at the end of the course.

Who will follow them in the field to offer technical know-how until they can confidently teach with technology?



In reply to Lucy Wanja

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Francis Karanja -

@Lucy agreed we to special needs group which is a very important component in education.

In reply to Lucy Wanja

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Leah Christine Ouko -

Wanja, I like the fact that you keep reminding us of inclusivity. Keeping us on toes. Very good observations that we missed.

In reply to Lucy Wanja

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Janet Mayora -

Lucy, good points you have here, i concur with you

In reply to Janet Mayora

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Janet Mayora -

The guide is good. I've no issues

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Ruth Mutua -

This facilitation guide is good and very detailed and shows all the competencies needed as well as a manual for the whole course for the facilitator. I have gone through the whole guide and have seen it ideal and think it covers everything needed by the facilitators. It has clearly shown the responsibilities of the facilitators and all boundaries but I think this could also have been done for the participant students too, that is, show their responsibilities and rights too from their view.

Otherwise the guide is very good.

In reply to Ruth Mutua

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Lucy Wanja -

Ruth, some good sentiments there! I agree with you, its good to have something for the participants so that at a glance, they know their responsibilities and even the contact details of those they can contact when stuck.

In reply to Ruth Mutua

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Patrick Muriuki -

Ruth i agree the book was well written. it has a foundation of known to unknown . The language and tone very appropriate for a new learner

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Francis Karanja -

Its a good manual because it was made by the people who understand what a Kenyan child need and build the necessary Competencies to the teacher. But we need to have an introduction of Moodle platform and how it can link to other Online platform because we come from different ICT background.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Irene Kuria -

The guide is user friendly. I also tend to lean on the idea of a face to face session for the facilitators. My worry though is the conectivity issues at our work stations. This makes some available online after working hours. If conectivity is availabe then source of power at our working stations is unavailable making it hard to carry a laptop.

All the same i shall soldier on. The cohort2 session made me 'adapt to the harsh environment.'

In reply to Irene Kuria

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Joel Kahindi -

@irene I like your fear, the good think is that you fear the known. In this case you can develop adaptive measures if you are required to facilitate while working at your station. Moreover,let your participants know of your available time and deal with emerging issues  flexibly.  Otherwise your opinion is good.Good 

In reply to Joel Kahindi

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Barnabas Ikahu -

Just as learning is flexible, so should facilitation I believe. Good advice Joel

In reply to Irene Kuria

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Leah Christine Ouko -

Irene, soldiering on despite the hard times encountered. This far you managed so you will take heart.


In reply to Irene Kuria

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Jason Ichai -

Some of this concerns Irene, should be sorted by sponsors ie government providing some uniform equipment like laptops, modems/wifi to facilitators so that when we get to work, all of us will provide quality services to the participant. It wouldn't sound ok to tell participant that they cannot raise you when they need you  because you ran out of bundles or your laptop couldn't make it through the one hour chat session.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Joel Kahindi -

I have read the guide, its good and clear.The student grade book is wonderful. However,  I would suggest a two day reflection at the midst of the course.A time to be set and forums well moderated. This will give participants definite time to think and reflect on the already done units. This would show areas of success and challenges and wayfoward.The course would be an interesting journey. 

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Mohamed Dhidha -

I have no concerns for the moment. I m eager to see what challenges will arise during the actual practise. But I also wish to be taken through Moodle design. This will help me understand more about how Moodle works and strengthen me further. I believe my colleagues would be confortable as well.

In reply to Mohamed Dhidha

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Lucy Wanja -

well put Christine and Dhidha, many colleagues share your sentiments. A face to face for the facilitators would be in order.

In reply to Lucy Wanja

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Francis Karanja -

@Wanja i too agre with you a face to face will help.

In reply to Mohamed Dhidha

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Emily Chepngeno -

The challenge is actually in the real practise using the guide

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Leah Christine Ouko -

The facilitation guideline is good with well stipulated expectations and activities. I however think the facilitators should have at least some face to face meetings to iron out issues and even agree on views.

In reply to Leah Christine Ouko

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Joel Kahindi -

@lea I agree with your concern... still you could have given a suggestion on how often  these face to face meetings should be done.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha -

The course guide is well laid and elaborate enough. However, as a teacher for learners with Special Needs, even at the piloting stage, I raised concerns about learners with Special Needs. Kenya is still developing technologically. We have experts at K.I.S.E. who would have been used to address issues especially on teacher participants in the course who may be Visually Impaired like our colleague here Collins Odanga, who in post here highlights challenges he faced at pilot stage. I congratulate him for going through the course successfully and for making it to this level of facilitation. This will be a morale booster to more V.I. teachers to join the course. There should therefore be a deliberate move to preserve at least 5% chances(provided for  in the constitution) for teachers with disabilities, especially the Blind and the Hearing Impaired. These teachers will then use the skills and knowledge gained to assist teaching learners with SNE. Otherwise, praises for the designers. 

In reply to Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha

Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Washington Otula -

Brother Onyancha we appreciate the important fact of raising the need to factor in learners with special needs. I'm really looking forward to learn features incorporated in the Moodle to assist leaners with special needs.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Barnabas Ikahu -

The guide is clear and covers basically all areas that are of interest to the facilitators. My hope is that when one is in need of assistance from the coordinating personnel, it will be forthcoming through the provided emails within the expected time.

If possible it would be of much help to have the lead facilitators share their earlier experiences with new ones. What they have learnt about facilitating KICT CFT Course during the 1st and 2nd cohorts.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Rodgers Namwaya -

The guide is clear I have not seen any issue with it. As mentioned by my colleagues we need to access all if not most of the resources intended to make our work easy eg the guide, books and notes to hello in our facilitation.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Martin Kavua -

I have read the facilitation guide carefully and I have no issues to raise for now. There are additional resources on you tube as well. I would recommend the video -  '...A comprehensive tutorial for teachers'

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Emily Chepngeno -

Have read the guide and I dont have any issue with it. I find that it has clear and quality information

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Washington Otula -

The guide is relatively elaborate, though I had one issue regarding plagiarism, is the Moodle fitted with software that can examine whether student is ibvolved in act of plagiarism?

I feel we need to be furnished with more details regarding issue of plagiarism.

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Re: Raising Concerns with the KICTCFT Facilitation Guide

by Patrick Muriuki -

colleagues being the last to comment as i think am doing in this forum we need to a quint our self by all f us having this book. it has a wealth of information