Facilitator - Participant Communication for Theme D

Clarification on portfoilo item #9

Clarification on portfoilo item #9

by Samuel Nyaga -
Number of replies: 6

Dear participants,

We have noted some discrepancy on the question for portfolio item #9. Kindly handle the first question on the school management system for your portfolio assignment. The question is as follows:

Write a 1 page motivation for either implementing a new system or upgrading the one you already have aimed at the senior management at your school. Use se the following structure:

  • Introduction (What is a School Management System?);
  • Potential benefits of using such a system;
  • Issues that need to be in place before the system would be useful;
  • Cost implications;
  • Conclusion (State your position clearly.

Should you be against using a School Management System at your school, write an argument explaining why you think it would not work in your context.

Please ignore the part that is talking about marks on a excel sheet.

Kind regards

Facilitation team

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Clarification on portfoilo item #9

by Onesmus Mutisya -

Thanks for clarification@samuel. marching forward is the policy.

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Clarification on portfoilo item #9

by Paul Kibet -

@sammy thanks for the clarification be blessed

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Clarification on portfoilo item #9

by Kisach Mary -

Thanks the facilitation  team for that elaborate coverage.