Facilitator - Participant Communication for Theme D

Theme D welcome note

Theme D welcome note

by Samuel Nyaga -
Number of replies: 14

Dear participants,

Welcome to theme D of the KICT-CFT course. This theme deals with ICT and has four units which include:

  •  Unit 7: Information literacy and internet search
  • Unit 8: Authoring digital resources
  • Unit 9: ICT to keep school records
  • Unit 10: Community communications

For Units 7, 8 & 9 the facilitation team includes Samuel Jesse, samjesse.samuel@gmail.com and Dr. Mary Wambaria, marywambaria@gmail.com. Unit 10 will be facilitated by Joseph Wambua, Aggrey Odour who will be introducing themselves later. It is our hope that you will remain active and determined as you have been in the previous themes.

Samuel & Mary

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Theme D welcome note

by Aden Mohammed -

thank you Mr.Samuel things are getting better as we put into practice what we have being preached to

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Theme D welcome note

by Kisach Mary -

Thanks Mr.Samuel for clear guidance and instructions...I appreciate your effort..noted.

Am determined  to complete despite  the challenges. 

God bless.

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Theme D welcome note

by Peter Mwangoma -

This is a clear road map, an indication that we are in for no surprises. Good to go, hope for the best for everyone of us. Cheers!!!

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Theme D welcome note

by Stanley Mutisya -

Thanks a lot  Mr. Jesse and Dr. Mary up to now as Aden puts it things have become better. I am ready for theme D.

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Theme D welcome note

by Josephat Ong'ang'a Onyancha -

Waswahili walinena,"maji ukiyavulia nguo, ni sharti uyaoge", therefore, our facilitators, when you see us this far, we have the capacity to endure, do our best, and finish the course for the benefit of our learners, ourselves and the entire Republic of Kenya. ICT is the way to go. No other option! An assurance Bro. Sammy n Dr Mary!

In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Theme D welcome note

by Daniel Karaigua -

Once again Samuel and Dr. I too appreciate your kind facilitation and update. The course is challenging but I am motivated to complete it because of the amount of knowledge and skill that it unveils to us at this pointed time of our profession.

Good times.



In reply to Samuel Nyaga

Re: Theme D welcome note

by Paul Kibet -

@Sam and Dr Mary thanks for the welcome note we shall be together