Summarising Discussions

Summary-Facilitators online presence.

Summary-Facilitators online presence.

by Kisach Mary -
Number of replies: 4

 The chat session began at1400hrs although others were already on the platform beforehand.Greetings and welcome notes rented the chat room for sometime until1306hrs when the chat officially started, Andrew posted the discussion topic, the chat progressed on well with frequent enter and left due to maybe power outages,unstable networks and so forth.

The moderator of the day Mr Andrew set the pace,the discussion was lively and the points flowed in systematically.The chat officially ended at 1502hrs with the moderators message on informing us that the summary of the minimum criteria for KICTCFT online facilitation will be posted on our whatsup group wall.

The following were some of what was discussed on general online facilitation:

  • Ensure some presence is felt throughout the session.
  • Be an encourager by motivating the participants.
  • Be  welcoming and clear in giving  guidelines.
  • The use of video in clarifying abstact concept and giving introduction needs to be involved.
  • Being well versed with KICTCFT course content and outline.
  • Meeting timelines and course competencies.
  • use group whatsupp wall and email to constantly pass information to the participants.
  • setting appropriate time for chats and forums that is convenient to all.
  • provide contact information to learners incase they encounter difficulties.
  • constantly updating the learners/participants progress record and make prompt feedback.
In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Summary-Facilitators online presence.

by Stanley Mutisya -

@Kisach that's work well done, well sammarized otherwise good work

In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Summary-Facilitators online presence.

by Ruth Mutua -

very true @mary mastery of the content is very important to every online facilitator. 

In reply to Kisach Mary

Re: Summary-Facilitators online presence.

by Collins Odanga -

@Mary, good summary. however could you have summarized the last chat session that we had on friday?

In reply to Collins Odanga

Re: Summary-Facilitators online presence.

by Kisach Mary -

@Collins Odanga...yes i only picked a few since much was repetition and other points were not clear to me.